Collective Consciousness

Often when we get caught up in the dynamics of a group we can become part of the collective consciousness.

Fear Of Expansion

The problem is, when you know this, how do you move forwards from it. Without bullshitting yourself with lame excuses and distractions. How do you move forwards past the self-sabotage and the self-resistance?

Could You Be Loved?

It’s all about the love. It’s all about the music. It’s all about the words.

It all runs a little deeper than the love, the music and the words. It was all a slightly different experience for me in the way that you can be connected into the Divine. Not so much the process but the connection.

It’s A Trust Thing….. Part 2

Now the big question. What happens when you have utmost trust but things still go wrong? Especially the big things in life that include war, famine, disease and death.

Winter Solstice on the Cold Coast

Down here in the southern hemisphere we are celebrating Winter Solstice, which is a different kind of energy. It is a time of rebirth.

A Smile A Day…

I was looking back through old files and came across this piece and thought it was still very relevant in our current times. I wrote it when I was a kindergarten teacher and felt that the values I applied to children I could also apply to adults that came to me as clients.