A Moment Of Simplicity


I’m back.

Did you miss me? Do you care? Did you even realise I was gone?

Not that it matters. Well, it does to my ego. But that ego can get back in it’s box and learn to behave.

Onwards and upwards.

It’s been two years since I started this blog and ten months since I published a post. Bit slack, hey. Do I have any excuses? No, not really. Have I been busy? Yes, but not so much that I couldn’t write anything. In fact I’m not really sure why I haven’t. I just haven’t.

We’ve moved house. Yay! Moved on out to the countryside. Some people like to say they’ve had a sea change. We’ve had a tree change. And it’s great. Timely too considering the major changes that the world is going through.

Now considering that I’m meant to be writing some kind of spiritual energetic blog I suppose I should focus on those areas. Maybe something related to Covid-19. But hasn’t everybody done that? The good, the bad and the ugly.

And that’s not to say that I won’t in the near future. But not today. Not now. Not for my first post in ten months.

View from the Veranda

I’m sitting here on the veranda. Looking at a wise old tree and he’s telling me to keep it simple. Take in the view, keep it simple, live in the moment.

It’s as if his voice pops into my head.

“You’re not the first person to sit there looking at me. And you won’t be the last. The world keeps turning and humans come and humans go. I keep standing here watching, breathing, living. While the animals, insects and birds sing and dance around me. While the faeries talk and play with me. While you watch and listen to me.

But right now in this moment it is just you. Just you and me. Engaging. Communicating. Our pasts are threads, like a spiders, crisscrossing through time. Gone, but not forgotten. Our futures are unknown, unpredictable, with multiple possibilities. But our stories will end in the same way. We will return to our mother before beginning a new journey in another place and time.

Now, however, our threads have crossed. Yours and mine. Entangled in a moment of time that is gone in a blink of your eye but lasts forever.

And in this moment I say to you keep it simple.

Feel every aspect of yourself. Every cell of your body. Every emotion running through every part of you. Every drop of clarity and wisdom that your soul has learnt. Every last breath of love that the Divine tries to give you.

It’s all here for you. Right now.

In this moment. Just feel it. And breath. And live.

Feel better? Feel alive?

That moment is with you forever now”

I did stop and I did what that wise old tree asked me to do. And I felt the moment. I felt the energy of everything that is and always will be.

I feel relaxed and alive.

I thanked the wise old tree and the moment passed from one to the next. But it will stay in my heart for ever. Although I am the same my life has changed forever. Even if I don’t know how. It just has. And anytime I want I can relive that moment. Where it will take me on my journey I do not know. But I move forwards. So does the tree.

Old tree
The Wise Old tree

That’s it then. My first post in ten months. I hope you enjoyed it.

Remember, keep it simple whenever you can. Through all the highs and lows, the joy and sadness. Through the calm and through the madness simplicity may be the key to understanding the moment.

Just remember what the wise old tree said.

“And in this moment I say to you keep it simple.

Feel every aspect of yourself. Every cell of your body. Every emotion running through every part of you. Every drop of clarity and wisdom that your soul has learnt. Every last breath of love that the Divine tries to give you.

It’s all here for you. Right now.

In this moment. Just feel it. And breath. And live.”

Thanks for reading!



9 thoughts on “A Moment Of Simplicity

  1. Lisa Stewart

    Hi Jon

    Hope you all are keeping well ? Thank you for channelling that message for me and giving it to lucy. I really appreciate your gifts and spirit/gods input as to what direction l need to go. I knew it was a big one that lve been shoving back down but won’t go away. So here to making a start and seeing where my soul takes me. Hope this winter has been a kind one to you and not as harsh as alot of peoples as l think you have moved to a beautiful spot where every season puts on a show. Ya got to love nature even when the trees are bare.

    Thanks again

    💚 Lisa

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Lisa,

      Thanks for the feedback, I hope it helps. Although I feel that I am the messenger and all the credit must go to the guides. Good luck on the journey and, yes, nature is awesome. I love the trees.

      Jon 🙏💚


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