Collective Consciousness

Often when we get caught up in the dynamics of a group we can become part of the collective consciousness.

Fear Of Expansion

The problem is, when you know this, how do you move forwards from it. Without bullshitting yourself with lame excuses and distractions. How do you move forwards past the self-sabotage and the self-resistance?

A Moment Of Simplicity

But right now in this moment it is just you. Just you and me. Engaging. Communicating. Our pasts are threads, like a spiders, crisscrossing through time. Gone, but not forgotten. Our futures are unknown, unpredictable, with multiple possibilities. But our stories will end in the same way.

Could You Be Loved?

It’s all about the love. It’s all about the music. It’s all about the words.

It all runs a little deeper than the love, the music and the words. It was all a slightly different experience for me in the way that you can be connected into the Divine. Not so much the process but the connection.

Judas Was Innocent!

Judas was innocent, or maybe not. It very much depends on your perspective. It could also be seen as a controversial title, but it’s not meant to be. You might not even care at all if you don’t believe that Jesus and Judas even existed. The title of this article could have been ‘Learn To Be Humble’. As a lot of this article is about humility and the importance of being humble. It’s about being you. It’s about doing your thing. Creating your art.

Listen To Your Heart

Now this might all read a bit weird but bear with me. I'm not mad, I think. But I do have random moments of communicating with the Divine. Often when I least expect it.

What’s A Geomantic House Cleanse?

Do you feel constantly tired and drained of energy?
Are you waking up during the night from nightmares?
Does the energy in your home feel consistently stagnant or dense?
Do you feel that you are not alone in your home and that another presence is watching you?
Does one of your children refuse to sleep in their bedroom or enter another room in the house?
Is there a general vibe around the house that no one can explain?
If the answer is yes to one or more of these questions then your home could be in need of a geomantic house cleanse.

It’s A Trust Thing….. Part 2

Now the big question. What happens when you have utmost trust but things still go wrong? Especially the big things in life that include war, famine, disease and death.

It’s A Trust Thing….. Part 1

I mentioned in my post ‘Winter Solstice on the Gold Coast’ that we were being forced to move. I explained in that post why, then I managed to get another couple of posts out, and then reality kicked in. The shit sailed close to the wind. Trust was challenged. But we moved at the last minute.

Animal Rescue or A Divine Challenge?

I have always loved animals and wished I could understand what they said. Little did I know then that this was something I was going to do. With all the spiritual work I have done, this has led me to where I am now. Practicing communicating with animals. To hopefully be of service to these souls. The story I'm sharing is one of my experiences.